Friday, February 28, 2014

The Classwar Karaoke Project just released its 25th compilation. I enjoy contributing to this project, as well as listening to the contributions of others. For the 25th edition, I contributed the piece "Ten Kisses Goodbye". It's a gentle, melodic instrumental that seek to impart an idea or two about partings, and adolescence, and the youthful in us all. Here is the track:

1 comment:

Innautico said...

Thank for releasing a new track! :D I'm a big fan and this is great! Woo.

I made a voodle a while back with 'Sadness' in the background, just a silly thing to keep me busy on a rainy day, here's the link if you're interested in wasting a minute:

And yes, you were credited.

Much love from a fan down under.